Sunday 8 July 2012

Pudding Club - White Hart, Cuckfield

It's the morning after the night before and I think we can safely say the inaugural Pudding Club was a roaring success. All entrants did themselves proud and produced some seriously delicious puddings.

Those present were;

Alfred - who produced a sublime Lemon Tart, which wouldn't have looked out of place in the finest patisserie. The highlight was undoubtedly the home made pastry. Judges comments included "WOW!", "Great pastry" and "very lemony".

Ben - Ben stuck to a real crowd pleaser with his White Chocolate and Raspberry cheesecake. Despite warm temperatures in the pub which threatened to melt the cheesecake, the dessert was awarded first place by the independent panel of judges. This dessert also probably won the most calorific content.

Simon - Despite stating he hadn't made a pudding in years, Simon produced a memorable Butterscotch and banana trifle with Madeira. I loved the boozy hit of the Madeira and the great texture of the sponge fingers. I think the rest of the pub enjoyed this one in particular.

Doug - At first glance, the simple tupperware box placed on the pub table didn't look that promising. But by the end of the evening, Doug's moist and fruity Bread Pudding was the only one that was completely polished off. Delicious. I'd like the recipe please.

A special mention must go to Andy who joined us for a pint after a week of very little sleep. Good effort!

And here are the photos to enjoy...onwards to Burgess Hill!

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