Saturday 7 July 2012

Rustic Spanish Loaf

I am a big fan of Spain and all things Spanish. It stems from childhood holidays spent camping on the Costa Brava amidst pine trees that clad the rugged coastline. I then spent a life changing year studying in Granada and ever since then, I have taken every opportunity to enjoy the Spanish way of doing things. They seem to have a great work/life balance and take great pleasure in the simple things in life such as great food and drink. Although it has recently become apparent that they probably enjoyed themselves a bit too much and should have taken more care of their finances!

Which leads me onto this bread which uses a 'starter' dough in the mix which you prepare the day before. This gives the bread a wonderful flavour, much like a soughdough. Don't be put off thinking that this all seems like a lot of faff, having to prepare dough the day before. It's really very simple and doesn't take much time. Bread making is the kind of hobby you can fit around your lifestyle...even when you have a 10 week old baby in the house!

Anyway, I have just enjoyed this loaf for saturday lunch. Delicious. All it needs is a generous covering of butter. That's it. Nice and simple.

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