Sunday 20 October 2013

Jewish Cholla Loaf

Inspired by a drink with a friend who had recently been to a large Jewish wedding at The Savoy no less, he mentioned this loaf and I remembered there was a recipe for it in Paul Hollywood's book.

It had been on my list to bake for a while so here it is. It was quite an easy dough to work with, just make sure you don't make it too soggy, so you may not need to add all the suggested water. The milk ands eggs provide the extra moisture. It's also a good one to try to practice plaiting the dough once it has proved.

It tastes as good as it looks, you could make quite a decadent sandwich with it or just eat it as it is!

Monday 14 October 2013

Banana and Muesli Loaf

For all you amateur bakers out there, make sure you check out I have just received a few bits and pieces for my birthday and it's a great site. I thought I'd put my new large banneton to good use and my super sharp grignette (razor blade to slash your loaf before baking).

Remember that when you use a banneton, although it makes a professional looking finish, the bread doesn't rise as tall as it would do normally. It can also be tricky to roll out of the basket and onto the baking stone without losing some of that delicate rise you have spent the last few hours achieving.

I have persevered with sour dough, so this Banana and Muesli loaf was great toast for breakfast. Although I think my starter dough is dead :(