Monday 30 January 2012

Fancy a bit of Rye?

I thought it was about time to push the boat out and try something a little different. Not only include rye flour but also some bold new flavours. So, following instruction from Richard Bertinet I made my first attempt at smoked bacon and red onion rye bread.

If you try this yourself make sure you allow the bacon and onion mixture to cool properly, otherwise the dough mix goes a bit sloppy...and no one likes a sloppy loaf! A quick note on using dried yeast. I usually use the dried sort that you can mix straight into your dry mixture, however I find you generally have to allow a little extra time for the dough to rise. So I gave this a good hour and a half for the second dose of proving.

Anyway, you'll see by the pictures, it turned out really well and tasted delicious which is the main thing. It really lends itself to eating with smoked cheese and chutney. Plus it makes for excellent cheese on toast, using a really mature cheddar if you can get your hands on some. I'll definately bake this again.

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