Thursday 12 January 2012

Raisin and Oat Bread

After having bought some wholemeal bread flour, I thought I would try my hand at something a little different as well as incorporating some extra ingredients.

I find kneading the dough a little easier when you have brown and white flour combined. When I first started this baking affair and mixed up my first batch of dough, it was like working with porridge. I only realised after a few attempts that this was how it was meant to be and that once you had worked the dough for 10 mins or so it does start to come together.

Anyway, so back to this recipe (still following the advice of Richard Bertinet), Raisin and Oat bread sounded nice and perfect for breakfast I was told. He was right, it was delicious. Quick tip when you add nuts or fruit - make sure you add them towards the end of the kneading, otherwise you will end up with bits of raisin all over the kitchen...ceiling included!

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