Sunday 8 January 2012

A taste of Paris

Following a long weekend in Paris where we ate like kings, after we got home I thought I would try a sweet dough called 'pain viennois' which we enjoyed for breakfast one morning from a local bakery. It's called a 'milk dough' which is in between a normal white loaf dough and brioche...perfect with chocolate spread!

Paris was beautiful by the way, we stayed in the arty quarter in Mont Martre, famous for the Moulin Rouge amongst other things. I found this great boutique hotel tucked away down a side street Hotel Arvor, very minimalist, white decor and good value, which can't be said for a lot of hotels in paris.

We did all the sights and the usual touristy things but to be honest I could have spent the entire weekend eating. From the moment you wake up you have so many tempting breakfast options that usually involve pastry and chocolate, lunch may well be a croque monsieur and a petit bierre, followed by a cake in the afternoon (just to tide you over before dinner you see) before moving on to a full on three course french feast in the evening.

By the way, we discovered the most amazing patisserie which sold the best tarte au citron in Paris, if not the world. If you are ever in Paris, look this place up you won't regret it. Carl Marletti is the name to remember. Oh yes, you'll also discover why macaroons are probably the second best thing on the planet.

Anyway, back to the pain viennois. They turned out pretty well. It was tricky to make them the baguette shape they are supposed to be but this is home baking not restaurant food. Give them a go.

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